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Posts posted by Xermish

  1. Part A - About you

    1. How long have you been playing EVE?
    Short answer: 6 years. Long answer: I ran my own WH corp until 2013 where we suffered a large internal theft (made the mittani.com) where I stepped away from EvE afterwards. I've been trying to get back into the game ever since 2014.

    2. How old are you (real life age)? Which country are you from? What languages can you speak?
    24 yrs old. USA. English

    3. How many hours per week do you think you play ? Which time zone sees the most of your playing time (UЅ/EU/AUS)?
    Currently I put a few hours in each day to assure my pos farm is alive. Actively I'll put more than a few hours in each day XD. USTZ 2000-0400 eve time weekdays I'd be available. I'm typically off work on weekends.

    4. Did you apply for any other corporation(s) inside PL? Do you have any references inside or outside of PL? 
    No. Joachim Weiss would be a reference but I think he's recently faded away from the game. I can give other outside PL references, but I'm unsure how many are still actively active.

    5. Why do you wаnt to join BOPE. Do you have any references in BOPE? [ BOPE vouch is needed to get in ]
    Joachim once sold me on PL, but I wasn't actively ready for a major allaince at the time. Fafer offered me a job, thought I'd take his offer (if it was still good)

    6. What do you like to do in EVE Online? Do you have any long term goals in EVE? If so‚ please share.

    Traps. Love em, the thrill of waiting. See through the ship and knowing someone's reaction once they realize what they did only sealed their own fate. When I fly solo I fish in WH. Put a barge in a belt with an Arazu and park a Domi in HighSec. 

    Small gangs, I use to and enjoy running small gangs. It started as a lack of FCs. I started running fleets every night until I got decent. Then I kept at it.

    7. Write your short eve biography‚ but make it cоmplete (where have you been, what have you done, or any other іnformation you consider valuable).

    It was a cold month, Iowa weather is unpredictable. My employer told me a tale of EvE. I joined him the ore belts of the citadel. We join met someone together, me asking for a loan to buy a freighter. I had a grand plan to mine every belt. A nice young lad named Joachim Weiss lent me the isk. I promply paid him pack. A friendship was born. Our lazers got hungry and we started day tripping to WH for Arkanor. We knew little then, lost barges, but we learned. My employer who got me into eve (Sag..) left the game and my life. Jo and I joined null in CE. Where I started my FCing, theory crafting, and hunger for wrecks. I earned an Ark, a Nid, and a Rorq while there. We befriended the co-ceo of our corp (Khann Runner) who was having divides with the other CEO, Jo and I also started to indirectly threaten him (through privatized SRPs and Titan construction plans). We bailed. Where we meet Fafer in White Noise. Sadly our time there was even shorter, I had RL hard times and dropped out while my remaining friends formed VETO. and found a WH home. Upon my return I was handed the reigns (as I always wanted my own corp) and Jo left for BL to play with his nyx. We were small, but close...and tough. We went through a few allainces before landing with Transmission. We had 1/3 of the members, but was always top 3 in kills. Made more friends, learned new tricks. TL fissured. We looked for a new banner when a rat bit us. We lost everything. I've struggled to return to a game I still love. But while solo I learned how to set fishing traps, produce T2 and T3 items. Its not glamorous, but its the small joys. 

    8. Which alliances have you been a member of? What's your current corp and why are you leaving them?

    Intrepid Crossing, White Noise, Narwhals ate my Duck, Transmission Lost, Origin, Some shitty German allaince, and now my own banner. Current Corp UWOF, was a deadend and got distracted with other things. Looked into their boards, looks dead again. 

    9. List your main and ALL your alts on ALL your accounts. Write down their ЅP аmmount, killboаrd links (if relevant)‚ what they're used fоr and any specіalized skills and/or ships they can drive. Provide eveboard link (don't be a noob, use password) for your PvP character(s). http://eveboard.com/

    Main: Xermish - 80mil+ Sp http://eveboard.com/pilot/Xermish

    Alts know to BOPE.

    10. How long have you owned these characters? Write which ones you plan to bring to BOPE. and which ones you will keep out. Did you buy any of your characters and if so, which ones and when?

    All personally created, no plans to ever sell (with a name like -censored- who could?!) Xermish will join BOPE, -censored- might, depends on restrictions related to indy alts as he has half of my build slots, JF ability. 

    11. When are you available for an interview?

    I’ll be at your mum’s tomorrow. (free this weekend, or evening USTZ)

    Part B – PVP

    1. Which type of ships can you fly, and like flying? Do you have any experience in specialized fleet roles (scout/logi pilot/dictor pilot etc.)?

    Fly most roles, note that I was bit of a minmatar loyalist for a bit, have amarr skills now too. I have experience and do enjoy my scimitar (can also gaurdian, not a lot of demand sadly) as well as my sabre. Also love my nid, bit of a logi whore (as long as the action is engaging for us too!) I’ve always taken support roles in any game a play (medic in TF2/Dirty bomb, objective/bag thrower in Payday 2...also get stuck learning the mechanics for others) Also Blops.

    2. Which ships are you currently skilling for (if any)?

    I do believe I had HIC 5 in queue when I was lost on my main. Not sure about Micro, Dull has gone full Indy at this time.

    3. Do you have a Carrier, Ѕupercаrrier or Titаn?

    I don’t own any anymore at this time. But am Nid/Nag capable.

    4. How many cyno alts can you count on?

    Four? Depends if they are needed for JF route.

    5. How do you make ISK (in general)?

    POS reaction farm atm. Supplemented with T3 production and recently dipping into T2 for quicker returns (23 days for a fucking Svipul build...)

    6. Do you have any FC experience?

    Small gang: Roams, fishing, diving, WH chain collapsing, home defense fleets.

    7. You are camping a gate solo in a dictor or ceptor/AF/whatever‚ in a pipe system. Yоu see a local spіke. What do you do? 

    Warp to safe, keep tabs on fleet comp/entity. Dictor? Null pipe? My gate: bubble and jump bro, slow that fleet (Fuck em). Other gate: Long warp, bubble and grid safe. Short warp, bubble and jump! or grid safe...idk, depends on wallet. 

    8. You are in a ceptor, scouting for your small gang. You jump tHrough a gate and there's a gatecamp. What do you do?

    Hold cloak, report the camp with ship types, corp/allaince. Ask for further orders (Does fc want me to try and make system or crash back to them) If i have to make system. Bounce off a celestial, prefer a belt. Gates are just stupid (bubbles)

    9. You are in an alliance CTA armor fleet, in combat. Ѕuddenly, а wild bomber wing аppears and bombs you‚ taking away 20-30% оf your armor. What do you do?

    Stay calm and grab a drink. Logi don’t need the spam. Hope I’m on someone’s watchlist (gotta make friends) or be vigilant about yellow boxes.

    10. Agaіn, you're in an alliance CTA fleet, let's say a mid range fleet. You're alligned, pewing, when suddenly the enemy fleet starts yellowboxing you. What do you do?

    Warp sucka! No one needs to be alpha’d!

    11. You are afk-camping an enemy system with a Bomber and a cyno on it. You find a ratting Carrier, happily blowing up red crosses in an anomaly, not paying attention to you. What do you do?

    Sleep, nap, eat, I was afk right? Gotta get my batphone...

    12. You are scrammed, webbed, bubbled, your tank is going down fast like the clothes of a stripper. What do you do?


    13. You cynoed in a system, in a Carrier or Dread, 280km off an enemy pos that we are about to reinforce. FC asks you to warp to POЅ. How exаctly аre you going to do it, step-by-step?

    I assume we’re all bumping like fat guys at a donut sale. So double click backward to decelerate faster, make align (god forbid we don’t warp), count to 10, warp at range. I’m rusty, but this is what I remember.