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Posts posted by Hudders

  1. 1.) Who is your main and how many skillpoints does he/she have? Link to a killboard as well.

    Hudders, roughly 117m. https://zkillboard.com/character/857847024/

    2.) List your ALL your alts and provide a one-liner for what they do.  HK's / spies send them via forum message to Koenig Yazria or Ivy Lash.


    3.) Whо is your vouch in glorious Adversity. space guild ? 

    •  What is your relationship with your vouch? i.e. How do you know him/her?
    • No vouch per say, mostly just local bsing with dudes from Adversity back from Tishu days in CR.
    • If needed I have mails from Harvey explaining I am, in fact, not 100% a faggot.


    • Do you know anyone else in AVRSE or in other PL corps who can speak for you?
    • I know Tara, been on a couple RC ops with him. Rastrent from Snig used to be a corp mate of mine, we still shoot the shit. He's an afk fuck tho. Also was CEO for corp  Mortal Haxin, currently in BUSA, was in about 9 years ago tho.

    4.) Tell us about your eve history. With details. Pictures are optional.


    A long long time ago, my first toon was named Xekaen. I started in high sec like most did, especially back then. I joined up with the 101st space marines, whom founded Fcon around that time IIRC. My first taste of the game was around ex-military role players and I had a lot of fun. I broke roleplay over something small and took issue with one of my COs. (I was about 14 at the time) and ended up getting kicked. 

    Started my own roleplay corp and formed my first corp Company of Villains. (This is were Mortal came in)  It was play on the game Company of Heroes that have come out at that time. Started one of the first High sec mercenary corps, built it up and wardecced my old corp. We ended up doing fairly well. 

    After that I took a break from the game for RL stuff. I didn’t return for a couple years being too young to afford the game on my own. Came back after a windfall around 18. Ended up selling Xekaen and buying Hudders. Started another HS merc corp that branched into low sex. Got backstabbed by my two directors who decided they wanted to take corp/alliance in a different (carebear) direction.

    I took my character and joined the NS world of Tribal Band. Got my bearings and became part of one of the biggest wars in the game to date. The 2013 Fountain War. It was a blast. Sadly, towards the end Tribal band was falling apart. I was part of leadership inside it at the end and tried to keep it together, 3 of us ended up being betrayed by Lezari who took the alliance and disbanded it. I tried to reform with the help of a few other leaders, but we could never get the footing in low sec we had and ended up disbanding. 


    Burned out, I took another break. Came back and took an offer from a friend in The Kadeshi. It was a decent time. Brushed off my small gang FCing from Tribe. Killed some capitals and a PL titan. Eventually some drama kid made such a huge stink because I called him an idiot for poor KB coding he had done and told him how to fix it. He was important to the IT division and whined for 3 days straight to get me kicked before alliance leader had enough. I was more disposable than he was , so I was asked to find another home. Decided I wasn’t down for the drama and just left the game. Thought for good, but Eve has a way of calling you back.

    Came back and found a WH group that helped me move my shit out of Tenerfis. Got an offer from TC to join Mamba, started FCing again. I was one of the main USTZ FCs for the war against violence of action when T wasn’t around. We had a lot of good fights and I grew into my own as an FC. Made some mistakes, but learned quickly. It was only Ferox anyway. I started a pet project for TC to gain more USTZ members in the form of a pet alliance. Long story short it turned into Frozen Corpse Industries. A corp I ran very successfully for about 9 months.

    However, I was very tired of the cancerous environment that TCs USTZ has about everything. Daily drama, they shit talk each other in non-joking ways all day long, content is stale, and whens something does come up you get 20 dudes in fleet with 90 in ratting fleet. It's become a jew alliance.

    I told my directors I wanted to leave TC. They didn’t want to, told me to leave alone, share kicked / role locked me and told me to get out.  And that’s basically where we are. Been afk the last week or so. Good summary of my full history. Lot of PvP inbetween.


    Here's a picture of a cat:





    5.) What is your current corp/alliance, and why are you leaving it?

    • Give us the story.

    Frozen corpse industries. I'm leaving it because I don't want to be in TC anymore Sort of answered above. It's boring and toxic. Nothing but jews and autists.  My directors wanted to stay. They decided they didn't want to risk me trying to get the corp to leave anyway, they share kicked / role locked me and kicked all my toons but my main. So, I'm mostly leaving by force, but I was looking anyway, so either way. My API has a mail to corp explaining what happened in all the boring dramatic details.  Also Mister Toucher is a faggot. 


    6.) Why do you want to join Adversity.? 

    You guys aren't risk adverse faggots. You actually play the game, use your shit and have fun with it. I used to bs with some of your members / other members of Tishu. Considered looking into joining a long time ago, but Tishu ended up disbanding and I started my corp. 
    7.) If you join, you are not allowed to be poor like Jousake. Can you afford our doctrines? How do you make your ISK?

    Mix of ratting, market play and getting drunk and buying plex.
    - What if we tell you that just for jokes you are going to buy 5b(insert relevant large sum of ISK) in doctrines above the aleady considerable alliance stock ?

    I'd take you seriously because that doesn't sound like a joke.


    No really, I don't get it. Is that not normal?


    8.) What sort of capital assets do you possess?

    I sold all my shit when I evac'd TC. I have an apostle and a chimera currently. Also a Nyx. Plan to rebuy more later.


    9.) Can you fly a FAX and T2 triage ON A ALT ? Do you have a dread ALT ?

    Yes, Yes.

    10.) Have you FC'd before? If yes, what kind of fleets?

    Yes. Mostly Ferox and Cerbs. Some rattle / dread stuff. I was a ustz backup FC.

    A few relevant BRs.











    11.) What area of Eve are you lacking ? What are you trying to do to improve that ?

    I suck at Jewing. Getting RL promotions to buy plex.

    I also suck at industry. Not really looking to improve there.


    Realistically? Probably my multitasking ability in fleets. I have a hard time triple boxing. Or dual boxing and FCing.  I've been triple boxing ratting carriers to try and get better. 


    12.) We are doing a small gang nano roam, what ship would you bring? (your FOTM ship?) Explain why.

    Omen. Just cause I like them and how they look. Literally no other reason.

    Maybe a falcon cause it's ez mode and I can cancer win for us.

    13.) You are a young, starry-eyed pilot in Adversity. Coming home victorious from an epic battle against the turk forces, you dock your vessel and and the fleet stands down. Do you a.) repair/refuel/rearm your ship so it's ready to go next time, b.) post 'le dank memes' on reddit about the fight you just had, or 3.) immediately log off and play ARMA III until the next ping?


    All of the above.


    References to some of my shit posting: 





    14.) There is a nearly unbearable person in corp (we will call him Mack) that has his glimpses of genius. You jump through a gate with your multiple billion Cynabal that is a really bad gimmick. Awaiting you are a Ashimmu, Keres and 5 Svipuls. Mack is the only person that can save you. Do you sqeal for his help and bear the shame of having to listen to him rescueing you for months or do you take it like a man and get laughed at by the rest of the corp because you flew a true shitfit and died quietly?


    I'll die quietly like a real man and when asked simply tell people I was lulling that gang into a false sense of security. I'll get them with the next multi-billion isk Cynabal. 


    15.) You are a stupid euro and ended up on a late move op with your alliance, in an Aeon, with only 2 other supers, 2 titans, and a small number of Archons with you. You jump the first gate and several dics appear bubbling you, soon a cyno goes up and lots of nasty looking Machariels and dreads come pouring through. You switch to your anti-tackle tab and notice there are only like 4 dics and 2 HICs on grid, but FC is screaming for supers not to aggress while the support fleet eats shit to the hostile Machariels, and hostile dreads pound through archon after Archon. The dumb euro FC then tells HIC-pointed caps to simply jump back through the gate, clearly showing his lack of knowledge about game mechanics. What do you do?


    Tell him to shut the fuck up because he's an idiot and start broadcasting tackle / activating the smart bomberinos. Pray to bob macs don't permabump us. Depending on the situation either have us align out to something safe or deagress and reapproach gate once tackle is dead. More than likely start alphaing dread whille we align off. Kind of depends on the number of dreads and other shit. Basically take over unless some more capable non-autist is around.

    16.) Link 3 kills that are special to you. Explain us how you were the one setting them up and what borderline game mechanic was used to achieve the feat.

    https://zkillboard.com/kill/42664907/ - My first capital kill, special for only that reason. 

    https://zkillboard.com/kill/55034816/ - Opportunity to kill the same guy as my first cap kill in another cap. Plus I hate that guy. I was FCing a bait fleet my friend was in in Rebel Squad alliance. So, dude didn't know TC was around. I had a dread bomb waiting with even more backup than was on this KM just in case he was bait. Got him to aggress on station and had the rebel squad hic point him and light a cyno. He was salty as fuck.  

    https://zkillboard.com/kill/51931660/ - I personally bubbled this Levi with his super fleet when they first came through. Without my initial bubble we would not have gotten additional dics there in time to catch any of the super fleet before they jumped out. So, you could say I've tackled a titan for adversity to kill before.


    Honorable mention: https://zkillboard.com/kill/42856527/ - First titan kill. Ironically belonging to PL.




    17.) Link a fleet doctrine that you have used or would want to use and explain why its a good one. Don't just pull one of our losses and claim it's a doctrine you used.

    [Ferox, Ferox Doctrine]
    Damage Control II
    Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
    Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
    Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

    Large Shield Extender II
    Large Shield Extender II
    Tracking Computer II
    50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
    Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
    EM Ward Field II

    250mm Railgun II
    250mm Railgun II
    250mm Railgun II
    250mm Railgun II
    250mm Railgun II
    250mm Railgun II
    Small 'Vehemence' Shockwave Charge

    Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
    Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
    Medium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II

    Acolyte II x5

    Javelin M x1758
    Spike M x1658
    Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M x3445
    Caldari Navy Plutonium Charge M x2876
    Caldari Navy Thorium Charge M x2035
    Caldari Navy Iridium Charge M x2968


    Love Ferox. They are fun, cheap and versatile. Great for kiting or brawling and look very engagable to most people meaning you tend to get fights. No other reason other than it's a good ship that  even your poorest can whelp all day and still have fun and afford to eat / maybe feed their kids.


    18.) Post an image of your favorite cute girl. You will be judged heavily for this. Bonus points are awarded for originality; posting Taylor Swift, while cute, will not win you any points.

    That's a hard one.