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Posts posted by Inceptor

  1. 4 hours ago, Vasil Comino said:


    Fourth, honestly your app got too fucking long and I didn't even both trying to finish it. Why would you even want to join us? I'm sure Snuff and MC. are looking as well


    Sorry Vasil you kind of lost me in that sea of words but this snippet stood out. Thanks though.

    Also; Chribba and I. And now that I've seen your face I remember you. I'm glad youre not that other Li3 cunt that I remembered for being an irritating spergy motherfucker.

    So far you had a +1, and then you went and ruined it by adding fucking mushrooms to your beef strogg. But I suppose most of these other cunts in VDD actually like mushrooms because theyre a pack of fucking weirdos. So youll probably fit in. I just like a little bit of crack. Never hurt anyone.

    You know that since Bam has vouched you that if you shit this joint up youre both out? Dont you dare do that to CCP Stroker. Hes our token nice guy. That culture you spoke of? Yeah, its infectious - and theres no cure.

  2. Even though it reads like youve been inactive / afk  for lengthy periods you cant have actually been away all that often considering your mains DOB and your SP. During these periods, was anyone looking after your accounts? Dont you dare lie to me cunt, ill find out.

    Considering that Tech is vouching you in means that if youre a shitler, you both get the axe, so since Tech would know this, and knows your previous sordid history, I'll neither provide nor deny a +1/-1 yet.

    Pretty solid app though. Looking forward to Vasils ten reasons he hates you.

    Have you ever been to EDU? If not, upon successful application, you are committing to attending this year. And so is your vouch, Tech.

    What about Adelaide meet ups? If you have, youll need a vouch from Bam too.

  3. If you joined in late 2015, you have a LOT more to learn. You wont learn more here. We will just shit on you for not already knowing it, and probably tell you to go learn it yourself.

    Have fun in horde mate - and if youre not, whore yourself out in other places until you realise horde was actually pretty fun, and return to it.

  4. Hey mate.

    Not a bad app.
    I'll admit, trying to fit into a group like VDD can be... interesting.
    Pay particular attention to what bongy has said regarding cupping balls and if this is the correct procedure for determining if you are indeed homosexual or not.

    If youve been to a couple of melbourne meets I might have met you / know your face. I plan on organising another one soon (TM). I expect to see you there.
    If you join VDD, it will be compulsory for you to attend EDU next year. This is non-negotiable. As it is just gone, you now have a year to commit to this.

    I cant be bothered trolling your killboards or eveboards, but I had a quick look and notbad.gorgz.
    I'll give you a tentative +1 for now because you actually had a decent go at this, and arts and crafts straight up is a good approach.
    You now owe me a beer at the next melbourne meet.