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Posts posted by Requiescat

  1. 23 hours ago, MCKen3311 Daugherty said:

    When you start having that many accounts, people begin to wonder... well, why do you have so many accounts? Do you have any accounts that we do not know about? It opens the door for ones intentions to be brought into question.

    only stupid people ask those kind of questions

    many accounts = many useful

  2. 4 hours ago, MCKen3311 Daugherty said:

    I don't exactly want to bail on my bros. In a perfect world my corp would be PL material. But you need years of loyalty from members. Sadly, a vast majority of my loyal members are nowhere near as active as I am. Directors are off playing other games or otherwise afk. Adversity could very well be the last corp I ever join. At the end of the day, I want to log on and have fun. Fly more advanced and sought after ships. If I hope to fly supers and titans, I need to be part of something that can back me up. Why not go for the top? So that's why I chose Adversity.

    obvious flattery aside that's really not a very good answer 

    why specifically adversity? why not any other PL corp?

  3. 5 hours ago, MCKen3311 Daugherty said:



    literally a montage of "orbit f1" pvp in a snaked garmur


    5 hours ago, MCKen3311 Daugherty said:

    I am current the CEO of my Corp, F0RCED ENTRY/Just Let It Happen. My reason for leaving my corp is mainly because I would like to join a more elite group of players. That and the stress of running a corp is starting to get to me lol. I'd like to log in, kill shit, log off for a change rather than spending countless hours running a corp that's nearly a full time job in and of itself. I would also like to get more into FCing.

    jfyi we have a 6-month probationary period in which you cannot vouch new joins, in case you were hoping to join and then vouch in all your buds

    aka if you do manage to get in, don't think you're gonna pull a bradford clear and vouch in 20 of your buds who immediately go inactive and/or are trash

  4. idk if you realize this or if there was a lack of clarity between the terms "vouch" and "sponsor" but if you do not have an in-corp vouch you do not join adversity

    • Hang out for a bit and chat to people. This is a great moment to confirm your sponsors. No sponsor = no entry.

    and you are unlikely to find a way in to any other PL corp without an in-corp vouch either, so pack up your NC vouches and go join NC lmbo